Ticket icon

how it works

How it works


Your numbers have a chance of being the lowest unique number. This means that the number has only been revealed once by all the players in the pool.

money icon

Once the pool ends and you are the one with the lowest unique number you can claim the prize!

Phase 1

Select your amount of tickets
Pick your numbers
Wait for phase 2 to start

Phase 2

Activate your numbers
Wait for phase 2 to end
Win and claim your prize

Ticket cost distribution

money icon

Cipherhub FAQ

What makes CipherHub secure, fair and transparent?

CipherHub encrypts all your numbers with a password, based on your private key, before they get added to the blockchain. Nobody except for you (the signer) knows what your numbers are until you activate them yourselves. This allows for a true secret and transparant game, while also being verifable with your private key.

Does CipherHub have its own token?

We at CipherHub do not believe in platforms that have tokens as their main driving force. As history has shown with many tokens, the majority will always belong to a small group of people that can simply dump / leave without any notice for their users. CipherHub is fully dependant on smart contracts that have been thoroughly tested to allow for a fun, and most importantly, equal game without any interuptions by the creators.

How does CipherHub ensure the game is fair?

As all the numbers that you have selected are encrypted and stored on chain, nobody except you knows which numbers you have chosen. As the range of possible numbers is quite large (0 - 999999), there are enough options to choose from for all players.

How is cipherhub randomness provable?

We do not do randomness! Well, not as people expect at least. As many will tell you, achieving randomness on chain (without any outside help, such as oracles) can be quite the pain. We've decided to allow you, the players' mind, to be as random as you want (within our given boundries of course)

How can I participate in CipherHub games?

To participate in our pools you only need to have the required amount of ETH in your wallet. This varies depending on the multiplier put on by the creator of the pools that are currently live

What measures does CipherHub take to ensure the security of player data and funds?

We do not hold any of your funds or data. CipherHub is a decentralised platform, running 100% on smart contracts. There is no tracking of your data, no logging of any kind and most importantly, we do not hold any of your funds. All your funds, including your chosen numbers, the amount of ETH you paid to join and your possible winnings are all stored on chain. We, as CipherHub, cannot access your funds, data or anything else.

What happens if the winner does not claim within the 2 weeks claiming period?

if the winner fails to claim their rewards within the specified timeframe, the unclaimed amount will be reallocated to the hub wallet.

Who can create new pools?

Everyone can create new pools

Why should I create a pool?

The pool creater will earn 6% fee on every ticket sold from the created pool

How does the amount of ETH in a pool increase?

The pool increases with every purchase of a ticket. This does NOT include any bonus tickets. For example: if an user buys the 10 ticket option that has 2 bonus tickets, only the original 10 tickets will contribute to the pool size. The additional 2 bonus tickets will only improve your winning chance.

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